Tips on getting started

Below are steps you can take to help you become more familiar with the Game and get your students started. To access all available teacher resources please visits this Teacher resources page.

  1. Watch the Game tutorials that cover: Finding your way around the Game and How to buy shares so that you become familiar with how the Game works. You can find these at the top of the 'How to participate' page.
  2. Read how teachers integrate the Game into their classroom (PDF 54KB) and decide how you will use the Game.
  3. When your students are ready to login, make sure they have their Login ID and password, you can find this on your Manage syndicate page (Under Teacher admin), you can download it as a CSV file. To make login easier here is a help guide on how students login to the Game - this guide will also help troubleshoot any problems students may have with logging in. 
  4. If your students are struggling or getting discouraged, it may be time to give them some motivation to keep going and not give up. Here are some ideas from other teachers as to what you can do to motivate your students.
  5.  If this is your first time learning about the Game and you are uncertain as to how it will go, you are free to register for the Game and play before introducing it to your students. Please note, you will only show up in the school rankings.
  6. If you are having problems signing up your students, please work though the Getting started guide for teachers or watch this new video tutorial. Or you can email us at to request help.

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